Free Resources: eBooks, templates & guides
To help you validate your business idea and builld traction

Access our collection of free resources, including eBooks, templates, and guides, designed to assist you in validating your business idea and building traction. These valuable resources provide insights, tools, and practical advice to support your entrepreneurial journey.


Cracking the Code of Customer Discovery: Through Your Weekly Side Project Journal


This eBook helps you identify and understand your target audience, set meaningful goals, and track your progress. With guided exercises and reflection prompts, it enables you to uncover valuable customer insights, refine your strategies, and stay focused on achieving success in your startup project.

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Discovering Your Target Customer: A Behavioral Segmentation Playbook


This Playbook is designed for entrepreneurs and marketers looking to gain a deeper understanding of their target audience, identify key behavioral patterns. Packed with actionable strategies, examples, and worksheets, this playbook provides step-by-step guidance on how to segment your customers, develop buyer personas using behavirioral segmentation, and note their pain points.

Download the ebook from here

Transcending Self-Interest: How Embracing a Higher Purpose Can Drive Successful Traction for Your Side-Project


Aligning with a meaningful purpose that is not self focussed attracts an audience, differentiates you from competitors, and creates emotional connections. Fuel your own motivation, overcome obstacles, and achieve sustainable growth. Make a difference while achieving remarkable success in traction. This ebook gives you practical ways to make this transition.

Download the ebook from here

15 Ways to test your new product idea with MVPs


Validate your concept efficiently and gather valuable feedback. Build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to test key features, conduct user surveys, run A/B tests, leverage landing pages, create prototypes, use pre-orders, and seek early adopters. Iterate based on insights gained, refine your value proposition, and accelerate product-market fit. This ebook gives you 15 options to build MVP with examples from real world.


Getting the first 100 customers for your start-up


Getting the right kind of the first 10 -100 customers and working with them effectively is a big challenge for many start-ups. This book will share some of the most effective ways to get the “right” kind of early users for your start-up business. In this eBook, you will get clarity on strategy & framework for building your game plan. Based on this, you will be able to build roadmaps towards your specific actionable steps.

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Playbook to Accurately Articulate Pain-point for Your Target Audience in Easy 7 Steps


Articulation of pain point for target audience, fundamentally enhances your ability to understand the unique challenges of your audiences, thereby you moving in the mind of your audience — from “someone who wants to sell to me” to “someone who might actually be able to help me,” thus maximizing the chance that the prospect will take positive action. This 7- step checklist will help you to understand your audience's pain points in a precise and easy way


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startup traction building?

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